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Since Valentine’s Day is on its way we have had chocolate covered strawberries on the brain.  Sweet red strawberries, and rich dark chocolate are the perfect combination anytime of year but Valentine’s Day makes them dance in our heads like sugarplums at Christmas.

Valentine's Day Chocolate Covered Strawberries

My kids have been wanting them so badly that we decided to make them a day weeks early. Since there was a sale on strawberries last week, how could I say no? Bring out those aprons and let those kids work their magic. Chocolate Covered Strawberries are super easy with just a few steps.

You will need~

  • Cookie Sheet – covered with parchment paper or well greased. I use coconut oil. YUM!
  • Strawberries
  • 1 cup Melting chocolate or chocolate chips – if you use chips I add about 1 tablespoon of butter
  • Strawberries – this will cover approximately 10 and still retain enough for bowl licking.
  • Microwave
  • KIDS
  • Sprinkles or colorful sugar – can’t forget those

Ingredients for Valentine's Day 1,2,3 Chocolate Covered Strawberries


6 year old job:

  • Grease the cookie sheet.

8 year old job:

  • Pull out all ingredients.

10 year old job:

  • Melt 1 cup of melting chocolate in the microwave in 30 second increments, stirring each time it stops.

10, 8, 6 year olds:

  • Dip those strawberries and swirl them around for good measure.
  • Place them on the greased tray.
  • Sprinkle on a little or a lot of sprinkles/sugar.
  • Clean the measuring cup out with fingers while waiting impatiently 10 minutes.
  • EAT. DEVOUR. SCARF DOWN in 2 seconds flat.


  • Heat chocolate too long and it solidifies. Don’t do this.
  • Use room temperature strawberries. It works better AND they taste better.
  • Make enough to save for daddy.
  • Make enough that mommy can have an extra, or two, or three. WHAT?!? They are healthy!

1, 2, 3 Chocolate Covered Strawberries


Now go make some Valentine’s Day Memories with your kids.

 Want more Valentine’s Day ideas?

A Budget Friendly Valentine’s Day

24 Frugal Valentine’s Day Ideas

11 Klutz Proof Valentine’s Day Craft Ideas for Kids

Today I’m linking up with Look What Mom Found…and Dad Too for #KidsintheKitchen.

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